First Place in Open - Dog, Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe (Pipruda)
First of all I would like to thank the committee for the appointment, the exhibitors for their entry and my stewards for keeping my ring controlled which enabled me to finish judging well in time for the groups. Judy you can steward for me anytime thank you. I was thrilled that my BOB not only won the Terrier Group but went on to Best in Show, my BPIB was placed in the Puppy Group as was my BV in the Veteran Group. Due to COVID this is my first appointment since 2017 and I am pleased to say that I can see a vast improvement in movement since then but overall the quality in bitches was far superior to the dogs, I have large hands and spannability was in the minority in most dog classes. In the standard it says Essentially a Working Terrier, many would be unable to get down a hole let alone get out again!
This dog gave me the biggest surprise on the day there is far more to him than can be seen from ringside. He has exceptional conformation and type with sound movement, harsh coat and thick pelt, tight feet and topped off by a beautiful head, dark eye and correct dentition. He is hard conditioned and muscled but was easily spanned and most importantly is fit for function. DCC, BOB, TG1 and BIS