First Place in Puppy, Judge: Simon Burton (Glencorrie)
I enjoyed judging this breed for the first time. All dogs were spannable (a couple only just) and had the correct thick, pliant skin.
Correctly proportioned and soundly made 9 months wheaten puppy bitch with a very typical outline. Quality head with good breadth of skull and strength of muzzle with slight stop. Lovely eyes well placed giving an alert expression. Ears perhaps a touch on the larger side but correctly set. Good length of neck into a beautiful front, well angulated and straight front legs and neat feet. Perfect length of body with good depth of chest and strength of loin and correct set on of carrot tail. Super hindquarters with good turn of stifle and low set hocks. The only thing she’s lacking at the moment is coat but I gave her the benefit of the doubt on that due to her age. That apart she was a clear winner of the class, moving out so soundly on a good length of stride, holding her outline. BP.