Second Place in Junior - Bitch, Judge: Mrs C E Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the committee and members of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire border terrier club for the invitation to judge at this friendly club show. My stewards Tracey Anscombe and Sian Mckay were very efficient and kept the day running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. It was a privilege to judge your dogs.
I had some quality borders to go over, and my decisions reflected my interpretation of the breed standard, on the day.
Some exhibits lacked the typical otter head, moderately broad with a short, strong muzzle and keen expression, which is definitive in our breed. Coats were generally good, harsh and dense with thick pelts, but several exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet trimmed. I found no kinked tails, dentition was generally good and all dogs were entire.
There was a lovely atmosphere, especially during the challenges, and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
This grizzle and tan bitch had an attractive otter like head, with small, neat ears and a short, strong muzzle. She had a good reach of neck, although I preferred the slightly longer body length and narrower construction of my winner. She was presented in an excellent harsh, dense coat with a thick, loose pelt. She moved out positively.