First Place in Yearling - Bitch, Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
My thanks to SKC for holding the show after two changes of date and merging the May and October shows. It can’t have been easy. My grateful thanks to Bob Potts, my sole ring steward for the day, who cheerfully and calmly kept the ring running smoothly with the greatest efficiency.
Whilst my main winners fitted the breed standard I was disappointed with some of the other exhibits. The front movement on some left an awful lot to be desired. (Try videoing your dogs moving) Many were light of bone, on the leg and short coupled giving a square outline. Several had short round ribs. Having said that the majority were spannable. Dentition was generally good. All dogs were entire. Coats were at various stages but those with no coat had to be penalised in several classes. Presentation of some exhibits could have been better. Temperaments on the whole appeared to be okay, with just the odd exhibit displaying a tendency to be over excited in the presence of others.
Grizzle bitch with lovely feminine head and expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, small tight feet, good rib and hindquarters. Narrow throughout. Good coat and pelt. Moved well. Should have a bright future