Second Place in Veteran - Dog or Bitch, Judge: Mrs Linda Coleman (Hartswelin)
I was extremely pleased with my quality entry on this my first occasion awarding C.C.‘s in the breed and thrilled to see my B.O.B. go 2nd in the group.
I will not mention teeth and bites in my individual critiques as apart from three which were level all exhibits possessed good strong teeth with excellent bites.Very few animals were difficult to span but far too many bitches in the later classes carried too much condition!
As in many other judges comments over the last few years fronts are still a big problem, if a Border does not have a correctly angled upper arm and shoulder it will not be able to follow a horse all day however well angled the hindquarters might be. A lot of dogs feet were not as small and tight as I would like but this may be due to lack of suitable excercise over the extended lockdowns. On the plus side nearly all were presented in double coat.
It was a very tight decision for me for B.O.B. and it could have gone either way but a choice had to be made so the dog won on being more an ideal size.
Gr. built on nice lines, balanced head, would prefer more bone for his size moved o.k.