Second Place in Novice - Bitch, Judge: Mrs J Johnson (Ratcheugh)
Firstly my thanks to the Scottish Border Terrier Club for giving me the opportunities to judge their Championship show, the committee for their hospitality and my stewards for keeping me on track. My thanks also to Joyce Martin for giving me memories of the day.
Secondly my appreciation to all exhibitors some who had travelled many miles on a very cold and frosty morning, it was a privilege to go over your dogs and thank you for accepting my decisions.
I was extremely pleased with my main winners, it’s very pleasing to have a class of borders and find one which ticks all your boxes.
Some puppies were in my opinion are too big and some I found difficult to span. I also prefer if handlers allowed the puppy to walk loosely and not strung up, this throws the front movement.
typical border head & expression, shown in the best of coats, nice reach of neck, easily spanned, good bodylines, and level topline, nicely balanced.