First Place in Open - Bitch, Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
May I take the opportunity to thank the Club and its members for inviting me to judge at this show, and for the super warm hospitality I received. Special thanks to my ring stewards Carolyn Richardson and Julie North, for being efficient and keeping me on track.
I found no bad mouths and as always in our breed, coats at various stages. Lots of spannable dogs and bitches which I like.
I would like to say a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
(G/t) Typical head with 1/3rd to 2 thirds proportions flowing onto good neck. Very well laid shoulder, narrow throughout, well ribbed back and Good length of loin easily spanned, good rear angulation, well carried tail. Moved well.