First Place in Junior, Judge: Mrs K. Lothian (Lairehope)
I really enjoyed judging the Border Terrier classes at the Sunderland & District Canine Society Open Show, at The Temple Park Leisure Centre, South Shields, on 25 November 2018. I would like to thank Marie & the Committee for the superb hospitality and Bill Howe for the top quality food. Thank you also to Marcia, my efficient Steward. The Centre provided a pleasant atmosphere for the day.
I was delighted with the number of Border Terriers entered, away above the entry for other Terriers. It was a pleasure to judge in a ring of racy, showy, high quality Border Terriers – with the youngsters having a developed ring-craft for their age.. Predominant in the classes were Border Terriers with strong otter-heads for both male & female, with good dentition and harsh coats.
It is always satisfying for my winners to go on to succeed in the Group classes. Delighted, therefore, that my Best of Breed ~ Pollit’s Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere, went on to win: Group 3 ~ Terrier Group, and that my Best Puppy in Breed ~ Golding’s Valicetarn Blue Cosmos went on to win: Group 2 ~ Puppy Group – both groups judged by Jane Maxwell.
A nice 15-month old blue & tan bitch – Lovely broad skull with keen expression. Great, narrow frame and super coat. Moved confidently and showed herself well.