First Place in Open - Dog, Judge: Mrs J Lilley (Kensing)
What a privilege it was to judge Border Terriers actually at their home in the Borders! Thank you to all exhibitors for such a flattering entry of charming dogs and thank you to all the committee and officers for your welcome, hospitality and generosity. complete with a delicious lunch. Certainly it was one of the best halls that could be imagined for a breed open show with the option to judge outside had the weather been better. I was most impressed with the hard condition of the vast majority of the entry and particularly with the thickness of pelts and short thick carrot tails. There seemed to be a sporting friendly atmosphere throughout to give me such a memorable happy day. I must just add an extra thank you to my helpful steward, Katie Hamilton, and to Margaret Boulcott, for whose great kindness, hospitality and long distance driving skills I was so grateful.
A happy personality with well shaped short thick tail constantly awag, in good harsh mature double coat. Very accurate on the move if not just not as typically active and energetic as he might have been.