First Place in Minor Puppy - Dog, Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Many thanks to the society for inviting me to award Challenge Certificates for the first time for this breed at this show. The show had a wonderful atmosphere throughout & it was great to see the other terrier breeds gaining support from exhibitors. I was delighted with the entry of 98. Thank you to my stewards Bill and Trish, who kept the ring running very smoothly and to all the exhibitors who entered under me today. I consider it a great achievement to be able to handle & judge this lovely breed I thank the exhibitors for their sporting behaviour & kind comments afterwards. I personally had an enjoyable day, despite been very much under the weather & to be honest really struggled at times, but thankfully I continued to ply myself with tablets, lozenges and drinks. I tried to judge the dogs as I saw them on the day, based on their virtues, difficult at times, due to the varying types. The quality within the entry was in the bitches. Front movement is obviously an issue within the breed & in some classes; I had to be lenient with this obvious fault. Again it was disappointing to find so many with so little muscle tone. Coats & pelts were generally good throughout, considering the time of year & dentition was also good with large teeth in abundance. It was a pleasure to see not one cross word between the dogs & temperaments were excellent. Quite a few were wriggly little devils on the table, but guess all aren’t, or supposed to be statues.
Three very nice puppies topped this class, many virtues amongst them & I am sure they will change places many times.
Strong head and underjaw, good dentition, tidy ears & dark eye on this youngster. Ample reach of neck & Balanced throughout with ample bone. Narrow throughout, good ribbing & decent tailset. Standing on tidy feet. Good for size. In decent muscular condition. Came to life on the move, true both ways & covered the ground keeping topline. Looked like he could go all day.