First Place in Junior - Dog, Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
I had the most enjoyable experience from the first to last minute of my judging day, the Northern hospitality from all was exceptional and I thank the Committee for giving me such a great opportunity. The quality and depth in some classes was a real treat for me to discover on judging ‘up north’ for the first time. Thanks to my stewards who helped keep everything managed practically perfect throughout the day. I enjoyed the lunch and my gift is displayed in pride of place on the mantle. Thank you all for trusting me to take on such a wonderful show.
A couple of untidy mouths, some unclean teeth but bites generally good. Found a dog and a bitch with kinks and there were a few thin pelts. Overall however I found good quality in the majority, good heads and expressions are essential but I especially like to see a dog moving forwards with drive, not pulling but setting off to get somewhere. I believe a working terrier needs good tight feet and thick pads to be able to meet the standard, most feet were good although I observed some long claws which do not help.
A strong class with 3 nice dogs, all of which have strong characteristics that bode well for them and the breed.
Dark grizzle and tan jacket on this well presented and shown youngster, I liked his dark eye and strong muzzle. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulder, narrow bodied with good rear angulation, he moved out well coming and going.