First Place in Puppy - Bitch, Judge: Mrs Janet Lee (Tythrop)
Apologies to my exhibitors , my technology has failed to send this when first done.
Trying conditions for the society due to heavy rain meant that parking was a long way from the rings unlike the behind the tent easy access we are used to. The ground underfoot was very trying, but thankfully our ring was only churned up in a couple of places. Once again I thoroughly enjoyed my day and appreciated the tenacity of the exhibitors for coming and their sporting acceptance of my decisions. Only one o two fine showers marred the day.
A diversity of size and construction came forward, and I was struck by how many took a rather short stride going round the ring. Some paid the price on the day for lack of coat, but mainly for being big in rib and heavy when picked up.
I was very pleased with my line ups and thought them a good representation of what I consider “essentially working terriers” being lithe in body with narrowness, free moving soundness and good type to fulfil the criterion of the standard.
Nice size and balanced outline light grizzle. Head is balanced in proportion, but still needs to broaden to balance slightly heavy ears. Good topline, equally angulated at both ends so moved soundly with accuracy. Excellent coat and pelt. Spannable, but could lose a pound to advantage.