Second Place in Puppy - Dog, Judge: Mr Phil Sharp (Martec)
I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to judge at this Show. It was my first visit to Kelso and I was most impressed with the hospitality and organisation there. My two excellent stewards, Gordon and Donald, kept me on the straight and narrow and contributed to a lovely atmosphere in and around the ring.
I did not make my usual visit to the SBTC championship show the weekend before as I wanted to see all the dogs afresh, and I am glad I did as many of the exhibits were new to me. In general, mouths were good, with dentition only slightly awry in one instance. I found no kinked tails and all dogs were entire.
It was a very hot and sunny day and this affected some dogs, who perhaps lacked their normal animation and were moving lethargically. As usual, there was a wide variation in coats, with some totally lacking top coat, and this naturally had an effect on the placings.
I would like to thank the exhibitors for the large entry and for the sporting way in which my decisions were taken throughout my judging stint.
was of similar size to the class winner. Was balanced on the table and had a lovely head. Good straight front, but movement let this youngster down today