First Place in Minor Puppy - Dog, Judge: Professor A S Milton (Baillieswells)
It was a real pleasure to be invited to judge this show. Having been a member of the Club since its beginning, it was great to come back to Selkirk, to what I have always regarded as my ‘home’ club. There was the usual happy atmosphere, and everything was so well run.
As to the exhibits, I was impressed with the overall quality of the coats, so many with really harsh substantial topcoats and warm undercoats. Several exhibitors seemed to have had difficulty with the hairs around the neck. I know that they grow in different directions, but it is possible with hard work to get an even look. Borders should not be shown with a ruff. Many tails had not been stripped properly, not being tidy and not flowing from the end of the back. Some even had feathering on the underside. I wish exhibitors would not push the tail upright so that it is vertical to the spine.
They are not Airedales, and it spoils the topline. Front movement was very varied, but cow hocks were almost absent. Teeth were good. Far too many, in my opinion, were too big, and I had difficulty in spanning them. (Though looking back in the literature, this has been a complaint since the beginning of the breed!)
I really liked this young blue & tan puppy. His topline flowed from the back of his head to the tip of his tail, excellent front and good hind leg angulation. Happy on the move.