First Place in Veteran - Dog or Bitch, Judge: Mr. Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)
Firstly I would like to thank the club for inviting me to judge their open show thank you to my stewards Alan Horner Anna Duxbury and Graham Richardson for keeping things running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was delighted to judge a show I regularly attend myself. I was very pleased with all my main winners I had some quality dogs to judge on the day my decisions in some classes were made difficult and on another day could easily change places.
What an excellent class and on another day any of these dogs could swap places.
11 year old dog of outstanding quality just my cup of tea, he is a true border through and through, Excellent head with large teeth still with correct bite, still narrow throughout with good length of body with flat rib, his movement is a dream to watch as he moves effortlessly, he was very much enjoying his day, pleased to award him Best Veteran.