Third Place in Post Graduate - Bitch, Judge: Dogs: Ms Elspeth Jackson, Bitches: Mr Mike Hollingsbee
Dogs – Elspeth Jackson
I would like to extend many thanks to The Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for once again organising an enjoyable, well run show with a relaxed garden party atmosphere. It was an honour and a pleasure this year to enjoy it as Judge of the dog classes and I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for this honour. I was very ably assisted by two capable and efficient stewards to whom I would like to give thanks both for their help and for their hospitality. Further and important thanks are due to all the exhibitors who did me the honour of going over their dogs. It was a super entry both numerically and in depth of quality with cc quality dogs right down the line in some classes.
Bitches – Mike Hollingsbee
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of the Club for inviting me to judge bitches at their show. I would also like to thank my stewards Sharon Pickering and Helen Thomas for keeping me in order and running the ring so efficiently. My thanks also go to the exhibitors for allowing me to examine their dogs and accepting my decisions.
Together with my co-judge Elspeth Jackson we managed to agree on the major honours of the day apart from Best Veteran. I preferred Elspeth’s dog choice and she chose my selection of veteran bitch. Our referee John Dace was called in and awarded Best Veteran to the bitch.
Blue and tan, good head and neck, well laid back shoulders, very good pelt with excellent coat, good topline and presented in excellent condition