Second Place in Limit - Dog, Judge: Mr C Wallace (Hobholt)
My thanks to the officers, committee and members of The Scottish Border Terrier Club for the invitation and to the exhibitors, thank you for bringing your Borders’. My steward Joyce Orr was superb as was the welcome, hospitality and lunch. The weather was spectacular, but became increasingly hotter as the day progressed. Everyone took care to make sure the Borders were kept cool, in the shade and well hydrated. I noticed two level bites during judging, (not a problem), all the dogs were complete, a couple of Borders were a little over weight compared to the standard. I noticed a few Borders had a fair amount of tartar on their teeth, nails and dewclaws could have been trimmed on some. Nevertheless, a nice group of Borders who were credit to the breed and their owners.
Gr&T, Good head, expression, good front, reach of neck to topline and well set short tail. Easy span, moved out well. Again, in full coat with thick loose pelt. Preferred head of 1, Reserve Best Dog.