First Place in Open - Bitch, Judge: Mr. David Hunt (Ottaswell)
Thanks go to the committee of the Scottish Kennel Club for inviting me to judge for the first time north of the border, Special thanks to my stewards on the day Messrs Goudie & Jackson for organising the ring so efficiently and ensuring everything ran smoothly during my judging. Good stewards are a welcome bonus for any judge. Despite the disappointing weather, thanks also to the exhibitors who attended and for giving me the second highest breed entry of the whole show.
With a large ring and mown grass, I was able to see the dogs move accurately. In general I thought the bitches were stronger than the dogs, but was pleased with all my class winners, and thought my CC winners a credit to the breed. Size was generally good with only a couple being difficult to span. As always coats were at various stages but I was surprised to find 2 very undershot bites in mid range classes.
A quality blue & tan bitch. Another strong in head with good teeth, dark eye, flat skull and alert expression. Super reach of neck down to a straight, narrow front. On the leg, she has a deep narrow body and flat ribs with short tail spot on. Good muscle tone used to drive out and cover the ground well. Harshest of tight coats and pliable pelt.