Second Place in Minor Puppy - Bitch, Judge: Miss Michelle Barnett (Brockfox)
My thanks to The Richmond Societies officers and committee for the warm welcome and the super lunch provided. Gratitude also to my stewards who organised the ring most capably. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their entries at a time in history when finances are truly stretched in this difficult and uncertain financial climate. To judge is always a privilege and on this occasion it was particularly appreciated. Overall I was very impressed with the exhibits, and when judging we are required to find the dog that most fulfils the breed standard and with the increasing variety of types present in the breed it made for some thought provoking decisions. Sadly the continuing trend to show all year round with few exhibits remaining at home to grow a decent double jacket proved that once again there were fewer exhibits shown in the requisite depth of jacket. Therefore I had to face the difficult task of placing some exhibits higher than I would as a rule. As justifiably construction and type being the foremost factor in placings, as coats naturally will come and go. But where as in lots of other breeds the coat can be considered a glamorous adornment please remember that in the Border (terriers in general) it is their essential protection whilst carrying out their job of work. On a positive note I was pleased to see today’s entry lacking of the dogs presented in the recent improper fashion of clippering, razor and scissoring which as the true diehards of the breed know is totally unacceptable and exhibitors are to be strongly discouraged in this undesirable practice.
The correct and only way to present a Border terrier is by hand stripping thus achieving the beautiful natural tweedy look synonymous with our breed.
And I quote an extract from an old Border terrier yearbook ?Exhibitors and judges should be reminded that it is not in keeping with the sporting traditions of the breed to have the coat trimmed. The coat should be of a natural weather resisting character. Old dead coat may be stripped off by hand when necessary. The use of a razor or a strip comb embodying a razor in the preparation of dogs for show is strongly objected to?
Dogs that I had previously admired unfortunately paid the penalty today as on closer inspection they did not come to hand so well .Some due to weight, which can be easily remedied with an alteration of diet, exercise and plenty of regular road work. Others sadly due to wide fronts and heavy shoulders, subsequently when running the rule over them they were too coarse and cloddy. Therefore not displaying the lithe supple bodies required in an earth dog ,this is a breed characteristic which of course has to be bred for. Borders are a breed that enjoys longevity, health and well being and this was particularly evident in my DCC and DRCC winners today being a 7 year old and 9 yr old respectively. Perhaps this being true testimony that these males have been bred for the correct narrow body lines that will inevitably stand the test of time.
Temperaments as to be expected were excellent. Overall a most enjoyable day, I was delighted with both my final line ups and to find admirable representatives of the breed for top honours.
Another who was good for type, size and span she and also held great appeal. Had the edge over 1st for coat texture but couldn’t match her for her beautiful otter head.