Second Place in Junior - Bitch, Judge: Mr. Bob Wright (Totherend)
My appreciation goes to the SBTC officers and committee for the opportunity to judge a lovely entry of Border Terriers and to the stewards for their support during the show. Also to the many exhibitors who quite rightly presented their dogs so proudly. I hope they enjoyed their day irrespective of the results, as above all this is a hobby to enjoy with the pets that you love.
It’s always good to see new faces exhibiting but I think most would benefit from a few visits to ring craft prior to launching themselves into the ring. This would give them an idea of the typical ring routine and some guidance on preparation of their exhibits. Whilst some concession can be made, lack of ring presence inevitably reflects in some way on their exhibit. Having said all that I can but admire the efforts of a seasoned 2½ year old handler as she moved her much older prized veteran up and down the mat!
I found some dubious dentition, a couple I couldn’t span and several only just spannable. Some dogs impressed in the line but disappointed on the move (particularly rear movement) but for a limit show I felt there was plenty of quality and I was particularly delighted with the main contenders. Some classes merited two “firsts” with precious little separating the first two and I was sad to disappoint. Not being first shouldn’t reflect badly on any dog it only means that a particular judge preferred another exhibit on the day. Certainly some of the dogs would have been better placed had they moved as well on the day as I’ve seen them move before.
I’m not of the school that expects to see a final line-up of identical dogs of a particular type. Several exhibits, whilst not of my preferred type, represented the breed standard well and couldn’t be denied an appropriate place irrespective of type or the appearance of the final line-up. I looked for a well balanced dog reflecting the aspects of the breed standard, without exaggeration and able to cover the ground smoothly and efficiently and I was pleased to find it in most classes.
Grizzle and tan with nice otter head, good reach of neck, nice lines, plenty of rear angulation, didn’t have the coat to match 1.