First Place in Minor Puppy - Dog, Judge: Miss S A Leslie (Risdene)
I started the day with veteran dog followed by some excellent juvenile dog classes which were very enticing. Throughout the day size was sometimes a little difficult to come to terms with when exhibits at the top of the scale were the more shapely and sound but as long as they were spannable they still featured if they had the attributes breed and conformation-wise to do the job they were bred for. Generally I determined that there was no need for a diatribe from yours truly as I found my lovely entry on the whole brought forward much of what I was looking for and I thank exhibitors for that. Just remember while I love a proper double coat I still like a tidy coat! Heads were definitely improved with very few of the stoppy, round eyed exhibits I do not find typical. There were a few strangely grubby ones and some would have benefited from some tlc round their eyes to guard against stray hairs causing irritation. Be that as it may there were some smashing classes with dogs not making the cut that on another day would figure in the reckoning.
Potentially a class of nice puppies headed by
a really agile dog who felt fit and supple, satisfactory front for his age with superb well padded feet, perhaps a little plain in ear but good skull with strong underjaw, presents good underline and moved easily