First Place in Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch, Judge: Mrs L Hardman (Spanwise)
Thank you for such a lovely entry of Border Terriers on this my first club appointment. I enjoyed myself immensely and was pleased with my winners in type and soundness. All exhibits had correct dentition and all dogs were entire. Nice to see new exhibitors to the breed. The majority were easily spannable with good temperaments and smartly turned out. I wish to point out that straggly hair on inner thighs just spoils the look for me. More concern though is size, in both dogs and bitches. With bitches as big as dogs and heads that are not feminine. Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for the smooth running of the show and how nice it was to see T.A.G. Knight back at the show. Lastly thanks for the excellent lunch provided by Diane Rayner and her super helpers.
placed third in post Grad Bitch which was a very strong class. Racy with narrow front good condition muscular and fit moved well.