Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show (20-04-2013)

First Place in Open - Bitch, Judge: Mr. Mark Ord (Marnadee)

Show Critique:

It was a great pleasure to be invited to judge this show and I wish to thank the committee for their great hospitality, a superb home cooked lunch and pleasant show. The gift was lovely and will be treasured. Special thanks to my stewards today Allen Horner & Norma Todd.
I was pleased with my overall entry of dogs and glad to see size is becoming more uniform with not so many oversized dogs. Mouths & tails were better than they have been but feel front movement needs watching, as does the loose pelt. I was able to span most exhibits. Thank you to the exhibitors who gave me the privilege to go over their dogs and accepting my decisions on the day in a sporting manner.

Placing Critique:

bl/t who is so pleasing to handle. Up to size but still easy to span, ribs well back, good racy firm loin. Moderate length of neck, good shoulder placement & upper arm. Very good pelt & jacket. Tail well set & carried correctly. Later found out she is the mother of my Res B. B. Shows with such enthusiasm, one to follow the horse on a days work