Laurelton Blue Pipit for Tarkatale


Name:Laurelton Blue Pipit for Tarkatale 
Colour:Blue and Tan 
SLEM Status / Test: 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name

Siblings of Laurelton Blue Pipit for Tarkatale

Full Siblings - None Recorded

Same Dam Siblings - 1 records

Known AsDateSire
Laurelton Blue Lace (B)28-08-2005Ruddleside Who's Your Daddy

Same Sire Siblings - 32 records

Known AsDateDam
Ravishing Nidorina (B)02-11-2002Vulpixi Vanishes
Adventurous Eevee (B)02-11-2002Vulpixi Vanishes
Crunching Kabuto (D)02-11-2002Vulpixi Vanishes
Diglett Digs (B)02-11-2002Vulpixi Vanishes
Moltres Sparks (B)02-11-2002Vulpixi Vanishes
Kenmilltri Holyhock (B)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Kenmilltri Hobbitt (B)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Kenmilltri Hiccup (B)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Kenmilltri Hawk (B)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Kenmilltri Huckleberry (B)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Kenmillttri Harlequin (D)16-04-2003Foxy's Frolic
Miss Bee Haven (B)27-04-2003Lavernook Lady
Lady Loo (B)27-04-2003Lavernook Lady
Devonshire Dumpling (D)27-04-2003Lavernook Lady
Mr Smoothy (D)27-04-2003Lavernook Lady
Chocolate Pudding (D)16-09-2003Sweet Pea
Sweet Peaches (B)16-09-2003Sweet Pea
Blackberry Pie (D)16-09-2003Sweet Pea
Maybe Mable (B)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Winkle Holme Huntress (B)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Kenmillfore Brendonhill (D)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Kenmilfore Soft Sand (B)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Kenmilfore Sea Shore (B)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Kenmilfore Exmoor Boy (D)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Kenmilfore Brendonhill (D)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Chancers Dance Blue Prince (D)30-01-2004Chancer's Dance
Hazelnut Dumpling (B)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud
Douglas Fir (D)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud
Conker Tree (D)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud
Bramble Jelly (B)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud
Bluebell Copse (B)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud
Winter Mistletoe (B)10-05-2004Sweet Scented Rosebud